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🌈Hello! Nice that you are here! On this page you can find more information about my illustrations exhibited in the Habibi Kiosk! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me during the exhibition or write them in the comments💜
exhibit description By Ambinini Illustrations - Ilona Liedl
In the series of pictures on the exhibition topic FLINTA* Utopia, illustrator Ilona Liedl deals with the current politically heated feminist issues of the present. With the help of sympathic characters and children's illustrations, complex themes should be stylized and grounded emotions should be pointed out, so feminist discourses are available for Kids too.
paycheck 2023 A.P. // Ilona Liedl Digital print on paper
The illustration with a prominent bust embodies all female-representing individuals, which are mostly classified in stereotypical roles by the patriarchal and capitalist structures without questioning them. Keywords are defined and encase the bust. the value of this keywords are only slightly or not at all honored/rewarded by society. The image requests for thinking about a holistic socially oriented payment system.
Mothers Of GG 2023 A.P. // Ilona Liedl Digital print on paper
The children's illustration is a homage to the four formative political activists Frieda Nadia, Elisabeth Selber, Helene Weber and Helene Wessel. They essential have contributed to the constitutional equality of women and men. The Image shows a neatly dressed mouse who can't be stopped to spread the idea of ​​equality. This is now anchored in the current version of the German Basic Law in Art. 3 § 2 GG :
“(2) Men and women have equal rights. The state encourages the actual enforcement of the Equal rights for women and men and acts to eliminate existing ones downsides."
Trias Feminae 2023 A.P. // Ilona Liedl Digital print on paper
The composition of digital ink drawing and traditional watercolor technique is supplemented by political statements. Similar to Botticelli's Venus arise from the shell, the feminine silhouette arises from a fruity bouquet of papaya and figs. The prominent parts of the body adorn political statements like "My Body - My Choice - My Rights" and takes up the debates about abortion rights, self-determination and Me Too.
Voice Of The Unseen 2023 A.P. // Ilona Liedl Digital print on paper
The illustration with the central comic character with expressive facial expressions and body language shows a noisy demonstration scene. The symbolic power relats to an intersectional feminism. The goal of it is, recognizing multiple discrimination and accepting multiple affiliations and also to recognize individual differences between people. The character thus fights for justice within all genders, against sexism including other forms of discrimination (such as racism, "white" feminism etc.).
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